The human torch applied for a bank loan

So this week is the last week of the transfer which means that P-Day is on Tuesday instead of Monday so that we can go to the temple (sorry to those of you that wait at their computers every Monday hitting refresh hoping that my letter finally arrives). But once again I wasn’t able to go, nobody was able to go because there was no room for us… Oh well my work is for the living right now. 

But in other news, the stuff that happened this week. First thing that I can remember is that my comp and I had to teach the gospel principles class on Sunday. We taught about thew gift of tongues (weird how stuff like that works out), then we taught about the gift of interpretation. With that we told a story about David O. McKay and how he spoke for 40 minutes to people in New Zealand (that didn’t speak english) and the all basically could understand him from the spirit he spoke with. And after we told that story we read The Living Christ and the first vision in english then bore our testimonies in english. It was cool to hear how a couple of them said the could understand our testimonies, not like the words but the spirit. But it was weird talking in english or at least giving the testimony in english. 


The next story would be that we bought hammocks last p-day. So naturally we tried to sleep in them Sunday night on the balcony. It went pretty well until about 2:30 am when just about every dog in Chile decided to start barking as loud as it could. We both woke up and went inside to sleep. WE were so tired the next day. I hate dogs so much, they ruin everything. 

But on some of the work side of everything we finally got someone with a baptism date. We had found so many new investigators this change and we’ve been trying to find the ones that would progress. I finally feel like we have someone, but we´ll have to see. I can only hope that the spirit can work through my comp and I so we can really help him enter into path to eternal life through baptism. 

Um so for some spiritual stuff this week (I wrote it in Spanish)

Por fin terminé el libro de mormón en jueves de esta semana pasada. empecé en julio cuando yo llegué en el campo misional. pero yo sentí que aprendía muchas cosas durante mi lectura e estudios de libros. Sentí como era la primera vez que leí el libro de mormón. Pero siempre sabía que era verdadero pero ahora yo entiendo la importancia de ese. En doctrina y convenios18:15,16 dice algo de grande sería tu gozo si puede traer una sola alma al reino de mi Padre. Ahora yo no sé todos pero yo sé bastante para decir que esa alma soy yo. Yo sé que el libro de mormón es verdadero, que josé smith fue llamado por Dois para restaurar la iglesia, la iglesia de Jesucristo, la única iglesia verdadera en la tierra hoy día. Yo sé sin duda que el sacerdocio ha sido restaurado con todas las ordenanzas, que con eso todos puedan ser salvos en el reino de Dios. También, sé que la familia eterna es uno de las bendiciones mas grandes en la vida y que es una bendición real. Y finalmente sé que mi propósito en la vida es para tener gozo, y mi propósito en la misión es para ayudar personas encontrar el mismo gozo. Y si mi gozo es tan grande si puedo traer esta sola alma (que soy yo) cuan sería mi gozo si puedo traer muchas almas a Dios. 

Ahora invito a todas a leer y probar el libro de mormón para saber por sus mismos.

Con mucho amor

Translated from Google Translate

I finally finished the book of Mormon on Thursday of this past week. I started in July when I arrived in the mission field. but I felt I learned a lot during my studies and reading books. I felt like it was the first time I read the Book of Mormon. But I always knew it was true but now I understand the importance of that. In doctrine and convenios18: 15,16 says something big would be your joy if you can bring one soul to the kingdom of my Father. Now all I do not know but I know enough to say that soul is me. I know that the Book of Mormon is true, that Joseph Smith was called by Dois to restore the church, the church of Jesus Christ, the only true church on earth today. I certainly know that the priesthood has been restored with all ordinances, with that everyone can be saved in the kingdom of God. Also, I know that eternal family is one of the greatest blessings in life and that is a real blessing. And finally I know my purpose in life is to have joy, and my purpose in mission is to help people find the same joy. And if my joy is so great if I can bring this one soul (that’s me) how would my joy if I can bring many souls to God.

Now I invite all to read and prove the Book of Mormon to find out their own.

With much love

Elder Rusick (Big and Sexy) 

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